How LockBx works
See options offered below and how it can work for you or your business.
Payroll Financing:
Apply online using the applicant form.
The applicant information is reviewed by LockBx team and consultation with employer.
After successful evaluation, the loan is arranged and disbursed with approval from employer.
Working Capital Financing:
Business raises an invoice with a customer, containing invoice amount and period (Credit Terms: such as Net 30, 60, 90 days)
Business sends a copy of invoice electronically to LockBx, who will pay you a pre-arranged percentage (Advance Rate) of the invoice within 24 hours.
Business receives the payment from their customer once due or is collected by LockBx financing team.
Begin the process:
To start trading, signup with LockBx and provide your company information:
Apply Payroll Financing
Apply Invoice Financing